Grievance Policy

Manager security wishes to provide every opportunity for employees to express themselves without fear of jeopardising their position. it is in everybody’s interests to establish a clear procedure for the resolution of any issues that may arise in the workplace. full recognition is given to the significance of personal grievances. disputes will be dealt with without undue delay.

Definition of a grievance

A grievance is any event, condition, rule or practice, which you believe violates your civil rights, treats you unfairly, or causes you any degree of unpleasantness or unhappiness on the job. a grievance may also deal with an attitude, a statement, or an opinion held by a co-worker.

Informal process

If you have a difficulty or grievance relating to any aspect of your employment with manager security you should first discuss it on an informal basis with your manager. if your grievance is of a kind you feel unable to raise with your manager, you should raise the matter with another senior manager who will endeavour to deal with your grievance(s) as soon as is reasonably practicable. however, if it cannot be dealt with informally the formal process described below will be followed.

Formal process steps

At any stage in the formal process a work colleague may accompany you to meetings.


Raise the grievance with your operation manager explaining that you wish to use the formal procedure.

Operation manager will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the matter fully with you and listen to your concerns.

If your grievance relates to your operation manager or is of a kind you feel unable to raise with your operation manager, you should discuss the problem with another member of management. in many cases, the matter will be resolved at this initial meeting.


If the problem is not resolved by discussion under step 1, you may request a meeting in writing [email protected] with the next level of management who will act as a hr manager.

The hr manager will consider the information presented and you will be given an opportunity to discuss the issue. following the meeting, a written record will be sent to those present for agreement. the hr manager will come to a decision or make a recommendation, possibly after consulting with appropriate members of management, which will be communicated to you.


If you are not satisfied with the decision or recommendations made at step 2 then you may proceed to step 3 by notifying in writing [email protected] the next level of management who has not previously been involved in the process within 3 working days of receiving the decision or recommendation from step 2. your request should set out details of the issue and provide any other relevant information, including the reason(s) you are dissatisfied with the previous outcome. the administrative operation manager will consider all the available information, as in step 2, and meet with you to discuss the issue. the administrative operation manager will subsequently communicate his/her decision or recommendation. following the meeting, a written record will be sent to those present for agreement.

The decision of this administrative operation manager is final and will be communicated without delay.

Failing this, the matter will be referred to the ceo, where both parties agree, to a formal investigation by the management.